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Revision as of 19:10, 14 April 2011 by (talk) (New page: thumb| Designing your own gemstone ring give it a personal touch. Gemstones produce a colorful addition to any bit about jewelry and come in a wide as...)
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Designing your own gemstone ring give it a personal touch.

Gemstones produce a colorful addition to any bit about jewelry and come in a wide assortment of types. When looking for a specific ring, whether for one engagement, wedding or gift to yourself, you may not secure what you're looking with. Designing your own gemstone ring permits you to add a little bit regarding your own personality to the jewelry. Whilst it may be helpful to have some background in drawing, it's not necessary.

Trouble: Moderately Easy


things you'll need:

1 Consult by the jewelry maker who will create your ring after you design it. Ask questions to help you find a cost. Knowing approximate prices previously will assist you within the pattern method whereas you'll have an idea about the gemstone sizes you may afford.

3 Decide on every engravings plus embellishments you want to add. In now, you most likely obtain a image in your mind of the way you want your gemstone ring to appear.

4 Sketch your design on documents using colored pencils if you're a skilled artist. Generate the sketch as large because possible thus the jewelry maker can watch the details. On the identical sheet of report, write the type about metal and gemstones you wish to make use of next to the ring.

5 Write as specific some description being feasible if you aren't comfortable drawing your design on paper.

6 Bring your gemstone ring design to the jewelry maker also go over all the details with him so he may bring your design to life.

Tips & Warnings

Because your ring will be custom-crafted, it will have a tendency to charge more than rings of similar kinds you uncover in the store.


Israel Diamonds: Style Your Own Ring James Allen: Style Your Own Engagement Ring

Photo Credit: ring picture by Alison Bowden away from website ;

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