North America/United States of America/Florida/New Port Richey/Ridgewood High School/
Ridgewood High School
- Location & Contact Information
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- New Port Richey, Florida, United States of America
- Telephone Numbers:
- Official Website: [2]
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- History & Memorable Moments
The Pasco County School Board approved creation of a new Junior High School in the Ridgewood area of New Port Richey in response to population growth in the area during the 1970s, with the expectation that the school would ultimately become West Pasco's third high school. The school was built for $3.2 million and opened in 1978. Wendell L. Krinn became the first principal of the school.[2]
Ridgewood officially opened up as a high school in 1983 with a freshman class, adding one grade per each year, until it had a full four-year complement in the 1985-1986 school year, which was the first graduating class. As part of the transition to a high school, Ridgewood underwent a $1.6 million renovation project, which included a gym added to the back of the main building, a stadium built by the football field, as well as a new weight room and tennis courts [1]
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- Aaaa, Aaaaa (January 1976 - Present)
- Groppe, Joe (January 1995 - Present)
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