North America/United States of America/Indiana/Valparaiso/Valparaiso High School/
Valparaiso High School
- Location & Contact Information
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- 2727 N Campbell Street, Valparaiso, Indiana, United States of America
- Telephone Numbers:
- (219) 531-3070
- (219) 531-3076 (fax)
- Official Website:
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- History & Memorable Moments
Valparaiso High School is a public high school in Valparaiso, Indiana. This high school is currently a 3 star and accredited high school. The principal is Mr. Patrick Weil. Valparaiso High School competes yearly in the Duneland Athletic Conference. Several teams have won state championships, including football, boys and girls cross country, and gymnastics. [1]
Also strong are its music programs, with the "A" Band (1985, 1988 through 1997, and 2003), Concert Choir (1998 and 1999), and Chamber Orchestra (2004) all having won ISSMA state championships. The groups consistently rank highly in these state-wide competitions. The music department has also been named a GRAMMY Signature School for the last three years running (2004 to present). [1]
Valparaiso High School first opened its doors in 1874 on the site of the current Central Elementary. In 1927, the high school moved to what is now Benjamin Franklin Middle School. The current building opened in 1972, and since then, has seen some additions, such as the pool locker rooms in 1978, and the field house in 1988. In 1993, there was a $19 million addition and renovation which added more classrooms to the already modern facility. A new roof was put on the original structure in 1997. [1]
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- Teachers (Where are they now?)
- Blackman, Neil (August 1990 - June 1994)
- Looft-Schrader, Gretchen (September 1985 - December 2001)
- O'Brien, Dan (August 1996 - Present)
- Osobrn, Richard (January 1946 - February 1947)
- Smith, Heather (July 2001 - August 2001)
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