North America/United States of America/New Jersey/Woodbridge/Woodbridge High School/
Woodbridge High School
- Location & Contact Information
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- 1 Samuel Lupo Place, Woodbridge, New Jersey, United States of America
- Telephone Numbers: (732) 602-8600
- Official Website: [2]
- Address, Directions, & Map:
- History & Memorable Moments
The current Woodbridge High School was occupied in 1957 and built adjacent to the then new modern football stadium. The old stadium (Legion Field) was vacated to make way for the south bound lanes of the New Jersey Turnpike. Prior to 1957, the high school was located on Barron and Grove Avenue, which is the current site of the Woodbridge Middle School. It operated on split sessions for many years: Freshmen and Sophomores attended school in the afternoon; Juniors and Seniors in the morning. The last graduating class of the Barron Avenue "Woodbridge High School" was 1956.[1]
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